Concepts & Structure

EventBus Structure

  • Runner and Admin

EventBus includes two main components, Runner and Admin.
Runner intends to be a real logic executor. And Admin manages internal state.
Runner located in the "core" folder of root path, Admin located in "admin" folder. They are spearated to be two sub projects.

In real user cases, We may deploy multiple Runners and one Admin for a project. Runners are stateless, It can be deployed on one server or multiple different servers for different purposes, It will not do anything since the beginning, just running there waiting for jobs/stories coming.

  • Story, Source, Sink, Transform, Fallback

EventBus is enriched by Stories, A Story is a basic runnable unit inside EventBus. After a Story be created, it should be assigned to a Runner or multiple Runners based on the situation.

A Story includes one Source, one Sink and maybe a couple of Transforms and one Fallback.
The purpose of a Story is to transfer data from the Source to the Sink, In the middle it may go through multiple Transforms for data processing. And if it failed on the way, It could be send to the Fallback just in case we may process it again.

EventBus Workflow


Config Files

File Path Description
core/src/main/resources/application.conf Application config file
core/src/main/resources/reference.conf Application default settings, Can be overrided by application.conf
core/src/main/resources/akka.conf Akka config
core/src/main/resources/logback.xml Log config
admin/backend/src/main/resources/application.conf Admin config file

The configuration files (.conf) is based on Typesafe Config, similar as json.

Environment Variables

Variable Name Description Default Value
EB_APPNAME Application Name
EB_ENV Application Environment, One of following: dev/development, test, prod/production dev
EB_RUNNERNAME Runner name (Only for runner)

Internal Tasks


Http Source

Listening on a HTTP port and accpects specific format of data as a Event.

  • Default Settings
  interface = ""
  port = 8000
  format = ActivityStreams
  succeeded-response = ok
  # server settings will override the default settings of akka.http.server
  server {
    # max-connections = 1024
    # ...

Kafka Source

Subscribe on some Kafka Topics, Fetch the data from Kafka as Events.

  • Default Settings
  # bootstrap-servers = ""
  # group-id = ""
  # Will use either "topics" or "topic-pattern"
  # topics = []
  # topic-pattern = event-* # supports wildcard if topics are defined will use that one 

  max-concurrent-partitions = 100
  commit-max-batches = 20

  # Properties defined by org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerConfig
  # can be defined in this configuration section.
  properties {
    # Disable auto-commit by default
    "" = false


Http Sink

Send Events to a HTTP Endpoint

  • Default Settings:
  # the default request could be overrided by info of the event
  default-request {
    method = POST
    # uri = ""
  min-backoff = 1 s
  max-backoff = 30 s
  random-factor = 0.2
  max-retrytime = 12 h
  concurrent-retries = 1
  # pool settings will override the default settings of
  pool {
    # max-connections = 4
    # min-connections = 0
    # max-open-requests = 32
    # pipelining-limit = 1
    # idle-timeout = 30 s
    # ...

Kafka Sink

Send Events to Kafka

  • Default Settings:
  # bootstrap-servers = ""
  default-topic = "event-default"
  use-event-group-as-topic = true
  # Tuning parameter of how many sends that can run in parallel.
  parallelism = 100
  # How long to wait for `KafkaProducer.close`
  close-timeout = 60 s
  # Fully qualified config path which holds the dispatcher configuration
  # to be used by the producer stages. Some blocking may occur.
  # When this value is empty the dispatcher configured for the stream
  # will be used.
  use-dispatcher = "akka.kafka.default-dispatcher"
  # Properties defined by org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerConfig
  # can be defined in this configuration section.
  properties {


TNC Topic Resolver

Resolve Kafka Topic based on a predefined topic list and the Event title.

  • Default Settings:
  contact-points = []
  port = 9042
  parallelism = 3


Cassandra Fallback

Store failed events to Cassandra

  • Default Settings:
  contact-points = []
  port = 9042
  parallelism = 3