
Event Dispatcher is a core function of Symfony Framework since very earlier version, For other PHP frameworks as well.
It's a very cool and effecient idea for decoupling modules or functions.
symfony-event-dispatcher is one of most popular Event Dispatcher implementations in PHP world. It's also being used on other PHP frameworks.

What's tnc-event-dispatcher?

tnc-event-dispatcher is a alternative of symfony-event-dispatcher for supporting asynchronous and unified structured events. It works as same as symfony-event-dispatcher, has same user interface with a few more options, can replace symfony-event-dispatcher seamlessly.


User cases of tnc-event-dispatcher:

  • Heavy Listeners
  • Distrubuted Listeners
  • Shared Events across multiple systems
  • Structred data collecting
  • ...

tnc-event-dispatcher includes following core components: Dispatcher, Serializer, EndPoint, Receiver.
It is highly inspired by symfony-event-dispatcher, But not limited on that, symfony-event-dispatcher is one of the Dispatcher implementations of tnc-event-dispatcher, It intends to support other Event Dispatcher implementations as well.

How to install?


  • PHP 5.6+

Install From Composer

> composer install tnc/event-dispatcher

How to use?

namespace TNC\EventDispatcher;

try {
     * 1. Initialize Serializer
     * Serializer is using to serialize your event to be a string.
     * It includes a couple of Normalizers and a Formatter.
    # Specify Normalizers
    $supportedNormalizers = [
        new Serialization\Normalizers\TNCActivityStreams\TNCActivityStreamsWrappedEventNormalizer(),
        new Serialization\Normalizers\TNCActivityStreams\TNCActivityStreamsNormalizer()
    # Specify Serialization Format
    $formatter  = new Serialization\Formatters\JsonFormatter();
    # Initialize Serializer
    $serializer = new Serializer($supportedNormalizers, $formatter);

     * 2. Initialize EndPoint
     * If you are going to dispatch a async event, which needs a EndPoint to hold the request and send back to Receiver.
     * Mostly the EndPoint is a Queue, such as Redis, Rabbitmq, Kafka or EventBus (https://github .com/thenetcircle/event-bus)
    $endPoint = new EndPoints\EventBusEndPoint('http://localhost:8000');

     * 3. Initialize tnc-event-dispatcher, And add some Listeners
    $dispatcher = new Dispatchers\SymfonyImpl\EventDispatcher($serializer, $endPoint);
    # Suppose we have a Symfony Event Listener and a Event Subscriber here
    $dispatcher->addListener('message.send', new SymfonyEventListener());
    $dispatcher->addSubscriber(new SymfonyEventSubscriber());

     * 4. Dispatch Events
        new AsyncEvent(
                'messageId'   => '1',
                'messageBody' => 'abc'
catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handling Exception

 * 5. Receiving and handling the AsyncEvent
 * After the Event dispatched to the EndPoint, It will be delivered to the Receiver asynchronously.
 * Following are Receiver part, Which could be running on another PHP process
try {
    # Initialize a Receiver(use EventBusReceiver as a example here, could be RabbitMQReceiver, RedisReceiver, ...)
    $receiver = new Receivers\EventBusReceiver();
    # Set Dispatcher we defined before
    # Dispatch the serliazed-event we received from the EndPoint
catch (\Exception $e) {
    // Handling Exception

About Contributing

Feedbacks and pull requests are welcome and appreciative. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

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